
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zou6 mo4 sam1 zou6 mo6 sam1
Character Meaning:
to do; to act; to perform; to be; to become; to be/play (a role); to be as; to give; to make; to provide; to prepare
to rub; to polish
heart; centre; core; personality; mind; feeling; intention; affection; love; mind, attention; "heart" shape
Part of Speech: verb
to find oneself in the unenviable position of trying to mediate between conflicting groups of people
(Cant.) pang4jau5ni1paai4faan1gung1dou1zou6gan2mo4sam1hou2naan4cau1san1
(Eng.) My friend is stuck in the middle of conflicts at work, and it's hard to get out of the mess.
(Cant.) keoi5hai2baan1jap6min6jan4jyun4hou2daan6hai6jik6jan1wai6gam2mui5dong1tung4hok6zi1gaan1jau5maau4teon5keoi5wong5wong5zau6gep6zo2hai2zung1gaan1zou6mo4sam1
(Eng.) He/She has good relationship with everyone in the class. However, this is also the reason why he/she gets stuck in the middle of conflicts between classmates.
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