
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zou6 gung1 fo3
Character Meaning:
to do; to act; to perform; to be; to become; to be/play (a role); to be as; to give; to make; to provide; to prepare
achievement; work; (physics) work; a merit; an accomplishment; efficacy; result; effort; skill
lesson; unit; course; section; suboffice; to impose; to levy
Part of Speech: verb
  • to do homework
    (Cant.) keoi5jiu3zou6gung1fo3
    (Eng.) He has to do homework.

  • to prepare for; to get prepared
    (Cant.) keoi5ni1ci3jin2gong2noi6jung4hou2fung1fu3tai2dak1ceot1keoi5zou6zuk1gung1fo3
    (Eng.) His lecture was very informative, it shows that he was well prepared for it.

See also: 鋪路 作業 家課 功課
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