
Entry #1
Pronunciation: leon4 deon1 gam1
Character Meaning:
morals; arrangement; tidiness
earnest; sincere; honest
the Jin Dynasty; the metal element; golden (colour); money; wealth; metal in general
Part of Speech: noun
  • a spot gold trading contract, trade in over-the-counter market, literally "London gold". Taking reference of the London spot gold fix, dealers provide bid and ask quotes to clients based on the quotations of other counterparts.

  • usually refers to schemes which an agent claims to make investments in the gold exchange markets in London, but in fact intends to defraud the investor by taking advantage of the relatively unregulated gold market; often victims end up losing their entire investment
    (Cant.) maai6leon4deon1gam1
    (Eng.) to sell London gold; practically: to defraud investors
    (Cant.) leon4deon1gam1pin3on3
    (Eng.) London gold fraudulent investment
    (Cant.) tau4zi1me1dou1hou2m4hou2bei2jan4tam3loeng5tam3zau6tau4zi1leon4deon1gam1aa3
    (Eng.) No matter what you're investing in, never invest in London gold just because someone casually persuaded you.

See also: 中飽私囊 人壽保險 兢兢業業 地下錢莊 執輸行頭慘過敗家 珠胎暗結 穿櫃桶底 萬變不離其宗 行行出狀元 金龜婿 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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