
Entry #1
Pronunciation: dou2 laap6 dou2 lap6
Character Meaning:
fall down; reverse; to reverse; to move backwards; to turn upside down; to invert; approximately; about; around; to fall; to collapse; to pour; to tip; to empty
to stand; to be upright; to be vertical; to be erect; immediate; instantaneous; to found; to set up
Part of Speech: verb
to handstand; to stand on one's head
(Cant.) ni1zek3sing1sing1ho2ji5dou2laap6haang4lou6
(Eng.) This chimpanzee can walk with his hands.
See also: 倒掟頭 仰卧起坐 倒刺 兩腳一伸 含苞待放 大破大立 平行四邊形 挺立 有志者事竟成 東歪西倒 行將就木 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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