
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jau1 wui2
Character Meaning:
to stop; do not; to rest; to cease
to meet; meeting; will; can; big city; to understand; club; society; organisation; conference; to catch up; a very short while; be going to, will; going to; modal verb 'will'
Part of Speech: verb
to adjourn a meeting
(Cant.) zyu2zik6lau4ji5jyun4zung6mei6faan1lai4ngo5soeng2san1cing2jau1wui2sap6ng5fan1zung1
(Eng.) Chairman, since Councillor Lau hasn't arrived here yet, I request to adjourn the meeting for 15 minutes.
See also: 三讀 二讀 剪布 復會 散會 流會 立法會 表決 退席 開會 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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