
Entry #1
Pronunciation: doi6 ji5 si6
Character Meaning:
generation((of people)); substitute; dynasty; historical period; times; era; to be in place of; to substitute; to act for; to be on behalf of; phase; stage; batch

Part of Speech: noun
an elected representative, eg. legislator, lawmaker, councillor, etc. (measure word: 個)
(Cant.) jyu4gwo2nei5zan1hai6bei2daai6gaa1jat1jan4jat1piu3gaan2sam1ji4doi6ji5si6ge3zau6m4使sai2giu3jan4ham4leoi6tau4piu3laa1
(Eng.) If you really suggest everyone could cast their own vote for candidates they prefer and elect them representatives, you won't bother to ask people to vote for you even they are reluctant.
Synonym: Synonym: 議員
See also: 以理服人 得饒人處且饒人 所托非人 所託非人 既得利益者 橡皮圖章 為民請命 當家作主 社會賢達 空口講白話 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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