
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sin1 hei3
Character Meaning:
celestial being; euphemism for death; betray; lie; (money) cent
air; to get angry; to be enraged; electricity; electronic signal; gas; spirit; morale; breath
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Recent Jargon
(of people, especially attractive girls) pure and transcendent quality; literally: angelic aura
(Cant.) go3neoi5ce1zoeng2hou2jau5sin1hei3aa3
(Eng.) The female driver looks like a fairy!
(Cant.) keoi5jat1geoi2sau2jat1tau4zuk1di1sin1hei3zau6ji5ging1baau3saai3dang1
(Eng.) Her movements are graceful and transcendent to the maximum possible extent.
See also: 冤氣 嗲聲嗲氣 妖氣 歎氣 玉樹臨風 皇氣 神氣 笑氣 谷氣 雷氣 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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