
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jan4 se4
Character Meaning:
human; human being; person; people; personality; everybody; (some) people; others; somebody; body of a person
snake; to shirk one's duty; serpent; shingles
Part of Speech: noun
illegal immigrant (measure word: 條)
(Cant.) jan4se4zaap6tyun4
(Eng.) human smuggling gang
(Cant.) 西sai1gung3jau5go3jan4mou5san1fan2zing3bei2caai1lou2laai1zo2co1bou6waai4ji4hai6daai6luk6tau1dou6gwo3ging2ge3jan4se4
(Eng.) The police caught a man without ID in Sai Kung, it is suspected that he is an illegal immigrant from mainland China.
(Cant.) dei6zung1hoi2gan6jat6zip3ji6lin4saam1faat3sang1jan4se4syun4hoi2naan6dyun2dyun2loeng5jat6zau6jau5gwo3cin1jan4zong3san1hoi2dai2
(Eng.) Recently, a series of shipwrecks left more than a thousand illegal immigrants dead at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea.
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