
Entry #1
Pronunciation: mong4 ming6 zi1 tou4
Character Meaning:
to flee; to die; to doom; to destroy; to escape; to lose
life; fate; to order; to command; order; instruction; to assign a title; to entitle; lifetime
of; "it"
bare; empty; in vain; futile; apprentice; pupil; believer; (derog.) person; fellow
Part of Speech: noun
desperado; desperate or reckless person, especially a criminal
(Cant.) keoi5dei6cyun4bou6dou1hai6mong4ming6zi1tou4wai6zo2cin2zou6mat1dou1dak1lin4meng6dou1ho2ji5m4jiu3
(Eng.) They are a gang of desperadoes who do anything for money including giving up on their lives.
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