
Entry #1
Pronunciation: si6 gwaan1
Character Meaning:
matter; to be engaged in; to serve; affair; thing; business; event; trouble; accident; incident; problem
to shut; to close; difficult situation; stage of a game; line of defence
Part of Speech: verb
to be related to
(Cant.) 事關重大si6 gwaan1 zung6 daai6
(Eng.) to be of major concern
(Cant.) si6gwaan1hoeng1gong2cin4tou4
(Eng.) to be related to Hong Kong's future
See also: 關乎 事實上 事實勝於雄辯 公之於世 毋庸置疑 無可否認 眾所周知 茲事體大 言人人殊 頭等大事 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: si6 gwaan1
Character Meaning:
matter; to be engaged in; to serve; affair; thing; business; event; trouble; accident; incident; problem
to shut; to close; difficult situation; stage of a game; line of defence
Part of Speech: conjunction
because; since
(Cant.) go3wui2jiu3ceoi2siu1si6gwaan1hou2do1jan4dou1fong3fei1gei1
(Eng.) The meeting has to be cancelled since many people did not show up.
Synonym: Synonym: 因為 皆因
See also: 因為 自從 出於 打從 事實上 事實勝於雄辯 公之於世 毋庸置疑 無可否認 眾所周知 茲事體大 言人人殊 頭等大事 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License