
Entry #1
Pronunciation: lyun6 zou1 zou1
Character Meaning:
in a mess; disorderly; messy; recklessly; irresponsibly
in a mess; bad; poor
in a mess; bad; poor
Part of Speech: adjective
untidy; messy; lying here and there
(Cant.) gaan1fong2di1je5lyun6zou1zou1hou2sam1nei5zap1haa5fong2laa1
(Eng.) The room is so messy. You should tidy up your room.
(Cant.) ni1dou6lyun6zou1zou1haang4ceot1lai4go2zan6siu2sam1di1aa3
(Eng.) Things are lying everywhere here. Watch out your step when you come out.
See also: 烏喱馬杈 立立亂 混亂 繚繑 雜亂 褸丘 不修邊幅 哩啡 亂七八糟 凌亂不堪 東歪西倒 烏燈黑火 硬崩崩 蓬頭垢面 賊眉賊眼 醜八怪 錯落有致 雜亂無章 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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