
Entry #1
Pronunciation: mat1 zai6
Character Meaning:
indigestible; hard to be digested; slow, low dexterity
Part of Speech: adverb
used after a negator ( m4 or mou5) to indicate a small amount or a low frequency; rarely
(Cant.) keoi5mou5cin2mat1zai6gaa3ngo5dei6ceng2keoi5sik6laa1
(Eng.) He doesn't have much money, let's treat him to the meal.
(Cant.) ngo5gam1jat6mou5dim2sik6gwo3je5mat1zai6zi2hai6gam1ziu1hei2san1sik6zo2zek3saap3daan2zau6caang3dou3ji4gaa1
(Eng.) I didn't eat much today, I just ate a boiled egg this morning and that's all I had today.
(Cant.) ni1paai4mou5zou6wan6dung6mat1zai6ngo5gok3dak1zi6gei2fei4zo2jau6cung5zo2
(Eng.) Seldom doing exercise recently, I feel I am getting fat and heavy.
(Cant.) go3soeng1hau2caa1m4do1hou2faan1m4tung3mat1zai6
(Eng.) The wound is nearly recovered, it seldom hurts.
Reference: https://www.swtang.net/doc/Cheng%20Siu%20Pong%202015%20diss.pdf https://www.swtang.net/doc/paper_2006_zai.pdf
See also: 稀少 稀奇 好日 冇幾何
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