
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zung1 man2 zung1 man4
Character Meaning:
centre; hit; middle; medium; intermediate; origin; focus; within; in the process of; in progress; post-verbal suffix; China; Chinese; secondary school
literary composition; dollar; written language; article; essay; literature; language
Part of Speech: noun
  • Chinese language; Chinese / Sinitic languages; a collective term that refers to a group of linguistically related written and spoken languages used in China and nearby countries, traditionally written in Chinese characters (a.k.a. Honzi / Hanzi / Hanja / Kanji / Hán Tự / Sawndip) from ancient times to the present day, excluding East Asian languages that have borrowed the characters at some point, such as Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese and Vahcuengh
    (Cant.) 中文字zung1 man2 zi6
    (Eng.) Chinese character
    (Cant.) hou2do1ngoi6gwok3jan4dou1gok3dak1zung1man2hou2naan4jan1wai6zung1man2geoi3gong2tung4kei4taa1jyu5jin4hai6jyun4cyun4m4tung4ge3tai2hai6
    (Eng.) Many foreigners think Chinese is difficult because the system is said to be different from those of other languages.

  • sometimes referring to a particular spoken language such as, in Hong Kong, Cantonese
    (Cant.) gong2me1je5jing1man2zek1gong2zung1man2laa1
    (Eng.) Why use English? Speak Cantonese!

See also: 漢語 外文 外語 廣東話 文言文 日文 書面語 簡體字 英文 英語 語文 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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