
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zung1 wo4
Character Meaning:
centre; hit; middle; medium; intermediate; origin; focus; within; in the process of; in progress; post-verbal suffix; China; Chinese; secondary school
and; harmony; sum; total; to echo; Japan; Japanese; of Yamato; to mix; to blend; gentle; mild; amiable; harmonious; peaceful; friendly; with
Part of Speech: verb
to neutralise; to moderate
(Cant.) zung1wo4wai6syun1
(Eng.) to neutralize stomach acid
(Cant.) taan3zung1wo4
(Eng.) carbon neutrality
See also: 節制 緩和 適中 中等 相當 中性 中立 中分 中彩 南征北討 取長補短 媾和 恰到好處 水乳交融 温故知新 相輔相成 諧和 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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