
Entry #1
Pronunciation: sai3 doi6 soeng1 cyun4
Character Meaning:
age; era; world; life; lifetime
generation((of people)); substitute; dynasty; historical period; times; era; to be in place of; to substitute; to act for; to be on behalf of; phase; stage; batch
photograph; each other; one another; mutual; reciprocal; picture; snapshot; appearance; divination; assist; minister; civil officer; phase
pass on; legend; biography; to pass; to pass on; to hand down; to spread; to circulate; to summon
Part of Speech: expression
(usually of objects, customs or stories) to pass on from generation to generation
(Cant.) hei1mong6ni1go3gu3si6ho2ji5sai3doi6soeng1cyun4
(Eng.) I hope that this story can be passed on from generation to generation.
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