
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bat1 on1
Character Meaning:
no; negator; not
safe; settle; to install; to fabricate; peaceful; stable; at ease; to be satisfied; to feel contented; ounce
Part of Speech: adjective
  • disturbed; uneasy
    (Cant.) nei1di1bou6lik6coeng4min2ling6jan4hou2bat1on1
    (Eng.) People were disturbed by the violent scenes.

  • socially unstable
    (Cant.) sat1jip6tung4maai4ging1zai3dai1mai4wui5dou6zi3se5wui2dung6dong6bat1on1
    (Eng.) Unemployment and economic hardship would lead to social unrest.

Synonym: Synonym: 安已不
See also: 攪鬼 擾亂 搞 扤失 拘謹 不寧 不悦 不知所措 困惑 恐懼 恐懼感 憂心 擔憂 沮喪 焦慮 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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