
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bat1 cit3 sat6 zai3
Character Meaning:
no; negator; not
to cut; must; have to; necessarily; to fit; to suit; to cut off; to slice; to divide; to split
solid; firm; reality; fact; truth; practical; realistic; tight; hard to move; stable; full inside; not hollow; hard; substantial; certainly; actually; in fact; in practice
border; boundary; margin; time; moment; occasion; contact; connection; juncture; between; among
Part of Speech: adjective
impractical; unrealistic
(Cant.) keoi5ge3gin3ji5bat1cit3sat6zai3so2ji5bat1wok6zip3naap6
(Eng.) His suggestions were impractical so they were not accepted.
See also: 唔等使 奢想 虛浮 行唔通
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