
Entry #1
Pronunciation: haa6 fo3
Character Meaning:
down; time (e.g. one time, two times); below
lesson; unit; course; section; suboffice; to impose; to levy
Part of Speech: verb
Labels: Mandarin
  • to finish a lesson; to dismiss a class; see 落堂 lok6 tong4
    (Chi.) zung1jyu1haa6fo3liu5
    (Cant.) zung1jyu1lok6tong4laa3
    (Eng.) Is is the end of the lesson finally!

  • to finish school; to come home from school; see 放學 fong3 hok6
    (Chi.) haa6fo3hau6jiu3faai3dim2wui4gaa1
    (Cant.) fong3hok6zi1hau6jiu3faai3di1faan1uk1kei2
    (Eng.) We need to go home as soon as possible after school.

See also: 上堂 上課 交功課 代課 家課 小息 放學 曠課 落堂 逃課 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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