
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jat1 sat1 zuk1 sing4 cin1 gu2 han6
Character Meaning:
one; as soon as; once
lose; to lose; to miss; mistake; mishap
foot; enough; sufficient; adequate; without missing any
to accomplish; 10%; one tenth; to succeed; to finish; to complete; whole; all; entire
ancient; age-old; story
to hate; to detest somebody; to be eager; to wish eagerly
Part of Speech: expression
minor mistakes that bring forth grave and long-lasting consequences
(Cant.) keoi5hau6saang1go2zan6wai6zo2wan2faai3cin2heoi3tau1je5jat1sat1zuk1sing4cin1gu2han6bei2ging2caat3laai1zo2
(Eng.) He started stealing for a quick buck when he was young, a mistake that has haunted his life ever since his arrest.
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