Radical Search
(n.) grapefruit |
(n.) ass; buttocks [Not Yet Published] |
(n.) pomelo; shaddock [Not Yet Published] |
(n.) Shatian pomelo |
年廿八洗邋遢,年廿九洗碌柚 | (expr.) to clean out the house on the 28th of the last month, and to wash one's body or house with pome... |
(n.) grapefruit [Not Yet Published] |
(v.) to prepare oneself for a jail sentence; literally: to wash one's behind in preparation for goin... [Not Yet Published] |
(expr.) Literally, to pat one's behind; Figuratively, to irresponsibly walk away as if nothing has happ... [Not Yet Published] |
(n.) grapefruit; pomelo [Not Yet Published] |
(n.) teak [Not Yet Published] |