
Radical Search
ciu4 (n.) the government or the ruling parties, the contrary of non-government () [Not Yet Published]
ciu4 (v.) facing in a direction; heading towards a place or goal [Not Yet Published]
ziu1 (n.) morning [Not Yet Published]
ciu4 (morph.) to face and/or move towards a target deemed sacred [Not Yet Published]
前朝cin4 ciu4 (n.) X [Not Yet Published]
養兵千日用在一時 / 養兵千日用在一朝 (expr.) X [Not Yet Published]
王朝wong4 ciu4 / 皇朝wong4 ciu4 (n.) dynasty [Not Yet Published]
今朝gam1 ziu1 (n.) this morning
他朝taa1 ziu1 (n.) one day; someday [Not Yet Published]
上朝soeng5 ciu4 (v.) during the emperor ages of old East Asia, to hold the everyday meeting of the king with government o... [Not Yet Published]
魏晉南北朝 (n.) the Wei-Jin period, a collective term for Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties of China [Not Yet Published]
第二朝dai6 ji6 ziu1 (n.) tomorrow morning; the next morning [Not Yet Published]
聽朝ting1 ziu1 (n.) tomorrow morning
朝小野大ciu4 siu2 je5 daai6 (expr.) minority government; literally: government small, opposition big [Not Yet Published]
朝思暮想ziu1 si1 mou6 soeng2 (v.) to miss or yearn for something or someone day and night [Not Yet Published]
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