
Radical Search
sau6 (morph.) to award; to confer; to give [Not Yet Published]
教授gaau3 sau6 (n.) professor
傾囊相授king1 nong4 soeng1 sau6 (v.) to share one's knowledge, experience, and skills without reservation [Not Yet Published]
頒授baan1 sau6 (v.) X [Not Yet Published]
傳授cyun4 sau6 (v.) to pass on (knowledge, skill, etc.); to impart; to teach [Not Yet Published]
教授gaau3 sau6 (v.) to instruct; to teach, to pass on knowledge
講授gong2 sau6 (v.) to teach; to lecture; to instruct [Not Yet Published]
函授haam4 sau6 (adj.) (of courses) taught by correspondence [Not Yet Published]
口授hau2 sau6 (v.) to teach orally [Not Yet Published]
私相授受si1 soeng1 sau6 sau6 (v.) to benefit one's cronies; to make a deal with someone privately rather than in accordance with ... [Not Yet Published]
授命sau6 ming6 (v.) to entrust with a mission or task [Not Yet Published]
授意sau6 ji3 (v.) to give instructions or orders to someone, to authorize someone to do something [Not Yet Published]
授權sau6 kyun4 (v.) to authorize; to empower; to permit [Not Yet Published]
授勳sau6 fan1 / 授勛sau6 fan1 (v.) to give out a medal of honour [Not Yet Published]
男女授受不親 (expr.) men and women should not have intimate contact if they are not relatives or couples
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