「呃 / 𡅅」

Entry #1
  • aak3
  • 𡅅 aak3
Part of Speech: particle
  • used to contradict an assumption or a standpoint
    (Cant.) m4hai6aak3tau4sin1keoi5zung6hai2wai2go3bo3
    (Eng.) It's not so. He was in his seat a while ago.
    (Cant.) fuk1coeng4zi2zing6sik1tai2lok6cing1cing1dei2dou1gei2hou2aak3
    (Eng.) The simple look of wallpaper in plain colour looks pretty fine too.

  • to accept a suggestion with the implication that the matter is settled
    (Cant.) hou2aak3zau6heoi3jam2caa4aa1
    (Eng.) Good, let's go yum cha then.

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Entry #2
Pronunciation: ngaak1 aak1
Part of Speech: verb
  • to cheat or deceive
    (Cant.) nei5aak1jan4m4hou2gong2daai6waa6
    (Eng.) You are lying! Stop spreading falsehoods!
    (Cant.) nei5jau6si3aak1ngo5
    (Eng.) You lied to me again!
    (Cant.) keoi5aak1ngo5waa6keoi5m4hai2uk1kei2
    (Eng.) He lied to me by saying that he was not at home.

  • to use lies or tricks to obtain something; to scam
    (Cant.) 呃蝦條ngaak1 haa1 tiu2
    (Cant.) 呃秤ngaak1 cing3
    (Cant.) 呃錢ngaak1 cin2
    (Cant.) 呃likengaak1 lai1
    (Eng.) to attract likes on social media
    (Cant.) 呃飯食ngaak1 faan6 sik6
    (Cant.) aa3po4bei2jan4ngaak1zo2luk6baak3man1saang1gwo2gam1aa3
    (Eng.) The old lady got scammed $600 out of her fruit money (old-age allowance).
    (Cant.) keoi5ngaak1zo2ngo5cin2
    (Eng.) He scammed me out of money.

  • to make someone do something by telling lies
    (Cant.) ni1go3zou2zik1seng4jat6ji5cau4fun2wai4ming4zau1wai4baai2gaai1zaam6aak1jan4gyun1cin2
    (Eng.) This organisation has been setting up booths everywhere in the name of fundraising to scam money (=to make people donate money).

Synonym: Synonym: 瞞騙
See also: 呃like 呃錢
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