「零 / 〇」

Entry #1
  • ling4
  • ling4
Part of Speech: number
  • zero, the number
    (Cant.) sip3si6ling4dou6
    (Eng.) zero degree Celsius
    (Cant.) ling4ling4cat1
    (Eng.) 007
    (Cant.) daap3jat1ling4jat1
    (Eng.) to take (bus) route 101
    (Cant.) nei5gam1jat6jeng4ge3gei1wui6hai6ling4aa3
    (Eng.) Your odds of winning today is zero! (i.e. 'You don't stand a chance against me!')
    (Cant.) gam1ci3haau2si3jau5jan4ling4fan1
    (Eng.) Someone got zero marks in this exam.

  • nothing
    (Cant.) jau4ling4hoi1ci2
    (Eng.) to start from scratch
    (Cant.) lou6soeng6ling4ji3ngoi6hoeng1gong2jan4jan4oi3
    (Eng.) Zero Accidents on the Road, Hong Kong's Goal
    (Cant.) ngo5gok3dak1zi6gei2hai6ling4
    (Eng.) I feel like a worthless failure (literally 'I feel like I am zero').

  • used before the smallest digit in a large number with non-neighbouring base numerals as digits, or sometimes used in a phrase with neighbouring measure words
    (Cant.) saam1maan6ling4luk6sap6
    (Eng.) thirty thousand and sixty
    (Cant.) baat3baak3ling4ji6
    (Eng.) eight hundred and two
    (Cant.) jat1gan1ling4ji6loeng2
    (Eng.) one catty and two taels
    (Cant.) ji6ling4jat1cat1nin4
    (Eng.) Year 2017
    (Cant.) ni1baau1naai5gei2do1cin2ng5man1ling4ng5hou4
    (Eng.) "How much is this pack of milk?" "Five dollars and fifty cents."

See also: 冇嘢 零蛋
Copyrights:© 2024 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License


Entry #2
Pronunciation: leng4 leng2 leng1
Part of Speech: affix
used after a base numeral, such as (sap6, ten) and (baak3, hundred), or a classifier to express a small, remaining approximate quantity
(Cant.) go3leng4zung1
(Eng.) one hour and a couple of minutes
(Cant.) sap6leng4廿jaa6man1
(Eng.) ten to twenty dollars
(Cant.) sei3aa6leng2
(Eng.) forty-something
(Cant.) sap6leng1seoi3
(Eng.) in one's tens
See also:
Copyrights:© 2022 Hong Kong Lexicography Limited - License