「俾面 / 畀面」

Entry #1
  • 俾面 bei2 min2
  • 畀面 bei2 min2
Character Meaning:
to give; by, to; to let; to allow
surface; side; aspect; face; appearance; used for medals; face: respect; prestige; reputation; honour; plane; area; (of geometry) face; cover; range; scale; scope
Part of Speech: verb
  • to do something for somebody as a gesture of respect, even if one may not be very eager to do so
    (Cant.) gam1jat6hai6aa3go1ge3daai6jat6zi2ngo5bei2min6keoi5m4tung4nei5cou4zyu6
    (Eng.) It's my brother's big day. I'm not going to make a scene with you, only out of respect for him.

  • to be respectful; to pay respects
    (Cant.) nei5jing1goi1bei2min2ceot1zik6lou5sai3go3paai3deoi3laa1
    (Eng.) You should attend the boss's party as a token of respect.

See also: 尊敬 尊重 崇 你推我讓 唔好意思 唔忿氣 唔湯唔水 好來好去 好恰 好聲好氣 老老實實 講到尾 賞面 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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