「女女 / 囡囡」

Entry #1
  • 女女 neoi4 neoi1 , neoi4 neoi2
  • 囡囡 neoi4 neoi1 , neoi4 neoi2
Character Meaning:
daughter; female; woman; girlfriend
daughter; female; woman; girlfriend
Part of Speech: noun
  • daughter; sweetheart; an intimate term to address one's (own) daughter (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) ni1tiu4kwan4jau5tung4zong1ho2ji5maai5faan1gin6bei2neoi4neoi2zoek3wo3
    (Eng.) This dress has kids' size. You can buy one for your daughter!

  • girlfriend
    (Cant.) nei5neoi4neoi2ne1ngo5dei6seng4baan1hing1dai6dou1hou2noi6mou5gin3keoi5laa3wo3
    (Eng.) Where's your girlfriend? We (your male peers) haven't seen her for a long time.
    (Cant.) ngo5jau6gik1nau1zo2neoi4neoi2sung3zaat3faa1bei2keoi5hou2mou2ne1
    (Eng.) I pissed off my girl again. Should I give her a bunch of flowers?

  • young woman
    (Cant.) seng4baan1neoi4neoi2hai2ci3so2mun4hau2paai4deoi2
    (Eng.) There are so many girls queuing up in front of the washroom.

See also: 愛人 BB 甜心 女友 女朋友 後生女 前女 叔仔 坡妹 堂妹 女一 女兒紅 婢女 媾女 新女 架妹 細佬妹 細蚊仔 老泥妹 舅仔 舞女 衰女 金蘭姊妹 閨女 骨女 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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