「em / 唔」

Entry #1
  • em am4 , em4
  • m6 , m4
  • um am4
Part of Speech: particle
particle used when stuttering or trying to think of what to say
(Cant.) emam4ngo5nam2haa5sin1laa1
(Eng.) Em, let me think about it first.
(Cant.) m6hou2laa1
(Eng.) Um... okay.
Synonym: Synonym:
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Entry #2
Pronunciation: m4
Part of Speech: adverb
  • not; added in front of an adjective, a verb, or a preposition for negation
    (Cant.) ni1zi1caa4m4hou2jam2
    (Eng.) This bottle of tea isn't tasty.
    (Cant.) ngo5gam1jat6m4soeng2sik6je5
    (Eng.) I don't want to eat today.
    (Cant.) ni1gin6saam1m4hou2tai2
    (Eng.) This piece of clothing does not look good.
    (Cant.) keoi5cam4maan5m4gau3fan3gaau2dou3gam1jat6sat1saai3wan4
    (Eng.) He did not sleep much last night, so he is not being himself today.
    (Cant.) gam1maan5ngo5m4hai2uk1kei2sik6faan6
    (Eng.) I'm not eating at home tonight.

  • used to form an A-not-A question, by reduplicating a word in a question (i.e. taking an adjective, a verb, or a preposition, and adding the first or all syllables of it in front of the original word), and having the negation 唔 m4 inserted in between the reduplicate and original words
    (Cant.) nei5heoi3m4heoi3aa3
    (Eng.) Are you going or not?
    (Cant.) ceot1min6dung3m4dung3
    (Eng.) Is it cold outside?
    (Cant.) daai6gaa1waan2dak1hoi1m4hoi1sam1aa3
    (Eng.) Is everyone enjoying themselves?
    (Cant.) keoi5ting1jat6hai2m4hai2hok6haau6
    (Eng.) Will she be at school tomorrow?

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