eng:to like, to approve of, to be fond of
yue:我唔係好likey佢㗎咋,但係鬼叫你中意佢咩。 (ngo5 m4 hai6 hou2 lai1 ki2 keoi5 gaa3 zaa3, daan6 hai6 gwai2 giu3 nei5 zung1 ji3 keoi5 me1.)
eng:I'm not too fond of him, but it can't be helped, if you like him.
yue:睇嚟伯母好likey我。 (tai2 lai4 baak3 mou5 hou2 lai1 ki2 ngo5.)
eng:Seems my girlfriend's mom likes me quite well.
yue:佢個樣有啲唔likey噃。 (keoi5 go3 joeng2 jau5 di1 m4 lai1 ki2 bo3.)
eng:He looks a bit dissatisfied.