eng:a burnt smell
yue:#𤓓味 (lo3 mei6)
eng:burnt smell
eng:embarrassed; embarrassing
yue:我喺地鐵站跣親,幾十個人望住,真係𤓓到爆呀。 (ngo5 hai2 dei6 tit3 zaam6 sin3 can1, gei2 sap6 go3 jan4 mong6 zyu6, zan1 hai6 lo3 dou3 baau3 aa3.)
eng:I slipped in the MTR station in front of dozens of people. It was so embarrassing.
yue:佢啱啱撻咗Q,好𤓓呀! (keoi5 ngaam1 ngaam1 taat3 zo2 kiu1, hou2 lo3 aa3!)
eng:He has just miskicked the ball. How embarrassing!
yue:我以為佢送禮物俾我,講咗句多謝,點知原來只係叫我幫手拎住,真係𤓓爆! (ngo5 ji5 wai4 keoi5 sung3 lai5 mat6 bei2 ngo5, gong2 zo2 geoi3 do1 ze6, dim2 zi1 jyun4 loi4 zi2 hai6 giu3 ngo5 bong1 sau2 ling1 zyu6, zan1 hai6 lo3 baau3!)
eng:I thought she was giving me a gift so I thanked her, but it turns out she only wanted me to hold it for her. So embarrassing!