
Entry #1
Pronunciation: lung4 mei5
Character Meaning:
dragon; the goalpost; the goalkeeper; long queue
tail; last; final; end; remaining part
Part of Speech: noun
  • the tail end of a long queue
    (Cant.) waa3lung4mei5paai4dou3heoi3gaak3lei4gaai1laa3
    (Eng.) Wow, the queue goes all the way down to the next street.
    (Cant.) nei5zi1m4zi1aa3jap6syu1zin2ge3lung4mei5ji5ging1heoi3dou3dei6tit3zaam6laa3
    (Eng.) You know what? The end of the queue for the book fair is at the MTR station already!
    (Cant.) jin6coeng4gaau1tung1zai1sak1ce1lung4coeng4daat65ng5gung1lei5lung4mei5heoi3dou3maa5gaa1lit6ji1jyun2
    (Eng.) The traffic jam caused a 5-kilometer queue, reaching Princess Margaret Hospital.

  • the tail of a dragon (measure word: 條)

See also: 尾站 彩虹橋 水靜鵝飛 海枯石爛 海皮 筆架山 闌尾 青山公路 龍鍾 龍門架 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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