yue:內容 #鹹濕 嘅事物,包括話題、刊物等等
eng:erotica, pornography (such as topics, magazines, etc.)
yue:好多小朋友喺度㗎,唔好講鹹濕嘢啦! (hou2 do1 siu2 pang4 jau5 hai2 dou6 gaa3, m4 hou2 gong2 haam4 sap1 je5 laa1!)
eng:As there are many children, please stop the dirty talk.
yue:佢成日匿埋喺廁所睇鹹濕嘢。 (keoi5 sing4 jat6 lei1 maai4 hai2 ci3 so2 tai2 haam4 sap1 je5.)
eng:He always hides in the toilet and watches porn there.
yue:即係#涼果 或 #口立濕,指味道偏濃(鹹)、有助增加口水分泌(濕)嘅醃製生果零食;常見嘅有陳皮、話梅、八仙果、檸檬乾等等
eng:pickled fruits (which are salty and makes one salivate, hence the name), common ones are: sun-dried mandarin peel, dried plum, dried Buddha's hand citron, and dried lemon
yue:大肚婆有時會作嘔作悶,食啲鹹濕嘢會開胃啲。 (daai6 tou5 po2 jau5 si4 wui5 zok3 au2 zok3 mun6, sik6 di1 haam4 sap1 je5 wui5 hoi1 wai6 di1.)
eng:Pregnant women get nausea or vomiting occasionally. Pickled fruits help stimulate their appetite.