
Entry #1
Pronunciation: haam4 taam5 seoi2
Character Meaning:
salty; salty (taste)
tasteless; (of business) dull; stagnant; bad; (of colour) light; pale; bland
water; soup; beverage; liquids in general; body of water
Part of Speech: noun
  • estuary; literally: salt and fresh water
    (Cant.) haam4taam5seoi2gaau1gaai3ge3ho4ngon6sap6fan1sik1hap6hung4syu6lam4sang1zoeng2
    (Eng.) Estuaries are suitable for the growth of mangroves.

  • to engage in a business which is marginally legal, half legal and half illegal; to run a dodgy business
    (Cant.) keoi5gam1do1nin4dou1hai6zou6di1haam4taam5seoi2ge3saang1ji3wan2maai4wan2maai4dou1m4siu2
    (Eng.) He's done dodgy business for years and made a lot of money from it.

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