
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gwai2 giu3
Character Meaning:
ghost; spirit; traitor; the rat; joker; awful; dreadful
to call; to shout; to yell; to call out; to order; to buy; to ask; to invite; to address; to chirp; can be considered; can be regarded as
Part of Speech: adverb
to state what is to be blamed for, often used with me1 at sentence end; literally: the ghost told you to
(Cant.) gwai2giu3nei5m4heoi3me1ji4gaa1m4gau3jan4laak3
(Eng.) It's your fault for not going; now we're short-handed.
(Cant.) gwai2giu3ngo5sai3go3m4duk6syu1ji4gaa1gam3dai1hok6lik6bin1dou6dou1m4ceng2
(Eng.) I regret neglecting my studies as a young person; now, my low education makes it hard to find employment.
See also: 呱呱叫 呻笨 屌你老母 捉蟲入屎忽 揾笨 白痴仔 計我話 醜八怪 鬼知 鬼迷心竅 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)