
Entry #1
Pronunciation: gou1 dai1
Character Meaning:
tall; height; elevated; high in magnitude; (of age) old
low; (of quantity) low; down; added after a verb
Part of Speech: noun
  • high or low; vertical position; height; level
    (Cant.) seoi2wai2ge3gou1dai1
    (Eng.) (the height of) water level
    (Cant.) ni1zi1gon1ho2ji5hung3zai3gou1dai1
    (Eng.) This bar can control the vertical position.
    (Cant.) ngo5m4hai6gam3gaai3ji3jan4gung1ge3gou1dai1
    (Eng.) I don't really care about the salary level.

  • high and low
    (Cant.) jan4sang1jat1ding6jau5gou1dai1hei2fuk6ge3
    (Eng.) There are always highs and lows, ups and downs in life.

  • relative superiority
    (Cant.) naan4fan1gou1dai1
    (Eng.) difficult to tell which is better

See also: 個子 身高 高度 平整 鏟平 層面 級 下低 優劣 因人而異 多寡 強弱 標高 水漲船高 淨高 深淺 烏低 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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