
Entry #1
Pronunciation: hoeng1 gong2 dak6 bit6 hang4 zing3 keoi1
Character Meaning:
smell good; incense; joss stick; fragrant; sweet-smelling; aromatic; scented
harbour; port
special; exceptional; uncommon; extraordinary; specially; especially; particularly; exceptionally; remarkably; unusually
do not; other; to separate; to part; difference; distinction; to distinguish; to distinct; (imperative) do not; don't; fastened
to walk; profession; behaviour; okay; a line; a row; trip; performance; action; industry; perfunctory; "hong"; a shop; a firm; to browse; to move; to adopt; to take; dry; to extend; to open; to setup
politics; political affairs
area; to differentiate; to distinguish; geographical area; district; region; zone
Part of Speech: noun
Labels: Proper Noun
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
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