
Entry #1
Pronunciation: joeng5 sing4
Character Meaning:
to raise (kid), to keep (pet); to raise; to keep; to grow; to form; to acquire; to cultivate; to cure
to accomplish; 10%; one tenth; to succeed; to finish; to complete; whole; all; entire
Part of Speech: verb
to form; to cultivate
(Cant.) joeng5sing4gin6hong1zaap6gwaan1
(Eng.) to cultivate healthy habits
See also: 形成 組成 塑造 培養 耕耘 種植 培植 種 培育 久而久之 壞習慣 應運而生 持之以恆 推而廣之 根深蒂固 潛移默化 約定俗成 耳濡目染 養尊處優 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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