「食飽飯冇屎屙 / 食飽飯冇屎痾」

Entry #1
  • 食飽飯冇屎屙 sik6 baau2 faan6 mou5 si2 o1
  • 食飽飯冇屎痾 sik6 baau2 faan6 mou5 si2 o1
Character Meaning:
to eat; to take (medicine); to suffer; to conquer; to control
full((cannot eat anymore)); full
meal; cooked rice; stupid; idiot
don't have; do not; there is/are not; to not exist; to not be related; to not have; to not own; to not possess; no big deal; nothing important
faeces; excrement; droppings; shit; shitty; crappy
to excrete; to have diarrhea
Part of Speech: expression
to do an unnecessary thing; literally: to have nothing to shit after a meal
(Cant.) jau4zoeng1gwan1ou3heoi3tyun4mun4maai5baau1zi2gan1nei5hai6mai6sik6baau2faan6mou5si2o1aa3
(Eng.) Going to Tuen Mun from Tseung Kwan O just for a pack of tissue? Do you have nothing better to do?
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