
Entry #1
Pronunciation: fei1 coeng4
Character Meaning:
to fly; hooligan; hoodlum; to float; to travel by plane; to throw; to toss; to fling; to skip; to remove; to dump someone; ticket
to soar; to hover
Part of Speech: verb
to fly and glide at high altitudes
(Cant.) ngo5dou1hou2soeng2hou2ci5zoek3zai2gam2hai2tin1hung1fei1coeng4
(Eng.) I want to fly in the sky like a bird too.
See also: 乘風破浪 小鳥 展翅 曉飛 滑翔 翱翔 飛滋 飛簷走壁 飛舞 飛蟻 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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