
Entry #1
Pronunciation: fei1 zaam6
Character Meaning:
to fly; hooligan; hoodlum; to float; to travel by plane; to throw; to toss; to fling; to skip; to remove; to dump someone; ticket
to stand; station; stop; to stand up
Part of Speech: verb
(of land transport) to miss/skip a station/stop
(Cant.) jiu2ni1bou6baa1si2jau6fei1maai4zaam6
(Eng.) The bus skipped this station again, damn it.
(Cant.) jat6bun2jau5di1fo2ce1wui5fei1zaam6
(Eng.) Some trains in Japan skip stations.
See also: 地鐵站 埋站 大站 尾站 巴士站 搭鐵 火車站 碰碰車 開夜車 電車站 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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