
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tau4 tung3
Character Meaning:
head; leader; chief; boss; first; number one; top; hairstyle; hair; area; location; end; side
painful; aching; extremely; deeply; bitterly; emotionally
Part of Speech: verb
  • to have a headache
    (Cant.) 偏頭痛pin1 tau4 tung3
    (Eng.) migraine
    (Cant.) gam1ziu1hei2san1tau4tung3dak1hou2gan2jiu3
    (Eng.) I woke up with a terrible headache this morning.
    (Cant.) ngo5jau5di1tau4tung3ho2m4ho2ji5ling1di1joek6bei2ngo5
    (Eng.) I have a headache. Can you hand me some medicine?

  • feeling puzzled and troubled by something, literally "headache"
    (Cant.) ni1gin6si6gaau2dou3ngo5hou3tau4tung3
    (Eng.) This matter makes me feel puzzled and troubled.

See also: 頭赤 頭赤赤 喉嚨痛 坐立不安 心悸 心絞痛 痠痛 絞痛 腰酸背痛 酸痛 頭暈眼花 頭痕 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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