
Entry #1
Pronunciation: tau4 zoeng2
Character Meaning:
head; chief; boss; electric plug; first; number one; top; hairstyle; hair; area; location; end; side; front; beginning
to encourage; an award; to reward
Variants: Variants:
Part of Speech: noun
first prize (of a lucky draw, lottery, etc.) (measure word: 份)
(Cant.) gam1kei4luk6hap6coi2tau4zoeng2loeng5zyu3zung3mui5zyu3paai3coi2baat3cin1sei3baak3gei2maan6
(Eng.) Two winners share the latest Mark Six jackpot, each winning more than HK$84 million.
(Cant.) gam1maan5ge3tau4zoeng2hai6ming4gwai3fong2ce1jat1bou6
(Eng.) And for tonight's top prize... an expensive luxury car!
See also: 中獎 二獎 六合彩 大熱倒灶 實至名歸 彩池 榜上無名 派彩 褒獎 金多寶 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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