
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jyu6 gai3
Character Meaning:
to predict; to foresee; to prepare; to estimate
to count; to calculate; to accord to; solution
Part of Speech: verb
to estimate; to predict
(Cant.) gung1cing4jyu6gai3wui5hai2saam1jyut6jyun4sing4
(Eng.) It is estimated that the project will be completed by March.
(Cant.) ngo5jyu6gai3keoi5zaam6si4dou1m4wui5faan1lai4
(Eng.) I predict that he will not return for a while.
See also: 推算 估算 預算 expect 預料 預知 估算 估計 預 估計 原訂 屆時 換言之 預定 預料 預期 預測 預產期 預見 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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