
Entry #1
Pronunciation: bin1 si1
Character Meaning:
to whip; to lash; whip
corpse; dead body
Part of Speech: verb
  • to desecrate the remains of a deceased person

  • to reiterate somebody's comments or speeches made a long time ago and criticize or or make fun of them
    (Cant.) naam4hon4mui5dong1noi6zing3ceot1jin6man6tai4zau6wui5ling1faan1di1sau4jat6lik6si2ceot1lai4bin1si1heoi3zyun2ji4si6sin3
    (Eng.) In South Korea, when there are serious problems in internal affairs, politicians will raise the discussion of the ancient Japanese invasion issues to divert attention.

See also: 五馬分屍 人人得而誅之 始亂終棄 屍骨未寒 斬草除根 殺人滅口 毀屍滅跡 皇天擊殺 老羞成怒 臭名遠播 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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