
Entry #1
Pronunciation: min6 sai3
Character Meaning:
surface; side; aspect; face; appearance; used for medals; face: respect; prestige; reputation; honour; plane; area; (of geometry) face; cover; range; scale; scope
age; era; world; life; lifetime
Part of Speech: verb
to appear on the market; to go public (of products, merchandise or literary works, etc.)
(Cant.) san1jing4hou6sau2gei1zik1zoeng1min6sai3
(Eng.) The new model mobile is to be in the market soon.
See also: 出街 一炮而紅 創刊號 問世 大行其道 橫空出世 歷久彌新 消聲匿跡 翻本 誕生 重見天日 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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