
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zing6
Part of Speech: adjective
  • quiet; silent; calm
    (Cant.) zing6di1laa1
    (Eng.) Be quiet!
    (Cant.) di1hok6saang1hou2zing6hou2lau4sam1gam2teng1gan2lou5si1gong2je5
    (Eng.) The students are very quiet. They are listening to what the teacher says carefully.

  • not crowded
    (Cant.) tiu4gaai1hou2zing6aa3
    (Eng.) The street is so quiet.
    (Cant.) ni1gei2jat6hou2zing6aa3mou5jan4lai4maai5je5
    (Eng.) It's very "quiet" these days. No one comes to buy anything.

Antonym(s): Antonym(s):
See also: 沉默 古縮 僻靜 默 噤 安靜 鎮 平息 沉着 鎮定 冷靜
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