
Entry #1
Pronunciation: baa3 wong4
Character Meaning:
tyrant; to occupy; to take; to grasp; bully; overlord; despot; ruler
king; leader in a game
Part of Speech: noun
  • bully; overlord; despot (measure word: 個)
    (Cant.) gaai1tau4baa3wong4
    (Eng.) street bully

  • (used as a modifier of a noun) not paying for things bought or services obtained
    (Cant.) 霸王客baa3 wong4 haak3
    (Eng.) someone who refuses to pay for a service
    (Cant.) 食霸王飯sik6 baa3 wong4 faan6
    (Eng.) to eat in a restaurant without paying
    (Cant.) 坐霸王車zo6 baa3 wong4 ce1
    (Eng.) to ride the bus, train, tram, or other vehicles, without paying
    (Cant.) go3baa1si2si1gei1kam4jat6zuk1zo2go3daap3baa3wong4ce1ge3jan4
    (Eng.) The bus driver caught a fare dodger yesterday.

See also: 欺負 霸凌 恃強欺弱 欺 恃強凌弱 土豪 小不忍則亂大謀 捉蟲入屎忽 擒賊先擒王 橫掃千軍 聞名遐邇 苛政猛於虎 豈有此理 賊眉賊眼 雷霆萬鈞 龍精虎猛 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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