
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ling4 jung6 cin2 ling4 jung6 cin4
Character Meaning:
zero; zero, the number; nothing; to not do; to not be; to not have; to lack; (completely) not; not at all
to use; to use up; usefulness; to enjoy; for a specific use
money; cash; banknotes and coins
Part of Speech: noun
pocket money (usually referring to money given to children for buying snacks, toys, etc.)
(Cant.) nei5uk1kei2bei2gei2do1ling4jung6cin2nei5
(Eng.) How much pocket money do you have?
(Cant.) ngo5aa3maa1mui5go3lai5baai3zing6hai6bei2ng5sap6man1ling4jung6cin2ngo5
(Eng.) My mum only gives me $50 as pocket money each week.
(Cant.) ngo5jung6zo2jat1bun3ling4jung6cin2maai5saam1
(Eng.) I spend half of my pocket money buying the clothes.
See also: 散使 零用 利錢 壓歲錢 工錢 現錢 生活費 節衣縮食 買路錢 零用 零錢 飯錢 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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