
Entry #1
Pronunciation: zaap6
Part of Speech: adjective
  • diverse; varied; miscellaneous
    (Cant.) 雜崩冷zaap6 bang1 lang1
    (Eng.) miscellenous
    (Cant.) keoi5hok6ge3je5hou2zaap6mat1dou1sik1di1
    (Eng.) His knowledge is quite diverse; he knows a bit of everything.
    (Cant.) ngo5teng1go1teng1dak1hou2zaap6lau4hang4go1jau6teng1haa5gu2din2ngok6jau6teng1haa5
    (Eng.) I listen to a lot of different genres—pop, classical and other stuff as well.

  • (of a place) to have all kinds of people, often implying that there are bad people
    (Cant.) ni1gaan1zau2baa1hou2zaap6gaa3wo3teng1gong2jau5go3haak1se5wui2daai6lou2seng4jat6hoeng2go2syu3pou4
    (Eng.) There're all sorts of people in that bar. I heard a triad boss frequents that place.

See also: 平均 多樣 雜務 雜錦 雜崩能 閒雜 變化多端
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