
Entry #1
Pronunciation: ceoi4 wo4
Character Meaning:
follow; to follow; to go along with; to comply with; to adapt to
and; sum; harmony; total; with; to echo; Japan; Japanese; of Yamato; to mix; to blend; gentle; mild; amiable; harmonious; peaceful; friendly
Part of Speech: adjective
amiable; easygoing
(Cant.) keoi5seoi1jin4hai6lou5baan2daan6hai6mou5me1gaa3zi2fan6jan4hou2ceoi4wo4
(Eng.) Although he is the boss, he is very easy-going.
See also: 和善 好相與 順攤 淋善 腍善 千猜 不拘小節 儉樸 和藹可親 平易近人 彬彬有禮 樂於助人 沉默寡言 温文儒雅 温文爾雅 諧和 (部份類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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