
Entry #1
Pronunciation: jam1 joeng4 ngaan5
Character Meaning:
cloudy; to trick; to trap; to betray; to treat; bangs or fringe; the Moon; dim; not bright; underworld; hidden; secret; female; genitalia
the Sun; human world; male
eye; hole; aperture; glance; glimpse
Part of Speech: noun
the special ability to see ghosts; literally, Yin-yang eye
(Cant.) ting3man4hai2ngaan5soeng6min6caa4ngau4ngaan5leoi6zau6wui5jau5jam1joeng4ngaan5
(Eng.) It's rumored that applying ox tears to one's eyes can give them the ability to see ghosts.
See also: 擠眉弄眼 牛頭馬面 神龍見首不見尾 莊周夢蝶 裝神弄鬼 複眼 賊眉賊眼 鬥雞眼 鬼畫符 鬼迷心竅 (類近詞彙取自ToastyNews數據分析)
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